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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I'll be Home for Christmas...

Christmas was a little different for us this year. Josh and I got a few days over the holiday without any friends and family around. Although, a little sad I must admit, it was a good experience for the both of us. We really don't get enough time together. We were able to make a few traditions that I'm excited to do every year. Since we weren't able to spend time with either of our families until after the holidays were over, we decided to take from both families traditions. We kept what we liked and got rid of what we didn't. That is one thing that's nice about starting your own family, you get to get rid of all the things your parents forced you to do on Christmas as a kid and make up things that you think are fun. Then, you get to force your kids into doing what you want.

Josh's family came down from Canada after the New Year and spent a few days with us in our new place. We've missed them a lot and were glad that they could take a trip to see us. Together we exchanged the gifts we weren't able to send up, or down. Josh's parents bought us a piano for our home. I am pretty sure I was more excited then Josh about this gift. Josh has amazing talents that most people don't know about, and I'm really excited for him to be able to utilize them more often.

Next year we hope to spend more time with our families around the holidays, but this year with my new job it had to be different, and honestly I really enjoyed the quite time. It's in those moments where you really appreciate the other person.

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